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ME-Page Integration With ME-QR: Create Websites And Generate QR Codes In Seconds

What Is ME-QR And Why Do I Need Integration?

ME-QR is a handy QR code service that allows you to quickly generate codes for links, documents, files, videos, and other types of content. Thanks to ME-Page's integration with ME-QR, you can easily create QR codes for your website and use them to attract more visitors.

What Features Does The Integration Provide?

What Features Does The Integration Provide?

  • Quick QR code creation: Generate a QR code for any page of your website directly in ME-Page.

  • Ease of use: Create codes without complicated settings and unnecessary actions.

  • More traffic: Use QR codes in print ads, on business cards, on social media, and offline events to get users to your site quickly.

Who Is It For?

  • Businesses: For placing QR codes on product packaging, advertising banners and promotional materials.
  • Bloggers and content authors: For easy access to articles, videos and other resources.
  • Event organizers: For quick registration of participants and providing information.
Who Is It For?
How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

  1. Choose a Template: Pick a template for your website from ME-Page’s wide selection.

  2. Customize Your Site: Use the drag-and-drop editor to easily personalize your site without any coding.

  3. Publish Your Website: Save and publish your site, optimized for both desktop and mobile.

  4. Generate a QR Code: Create a QR code that links to your website in seconds using the built-in generator. Just click on the "Get QR Code" button in your page's menu.

  5. Share and Engage: Use the QR code for marketing, presentations, or personal purposes, and let users access your site instantly.


The integration of ME-Page with ME-QR brings a powerful combination of website creation and instant QR code generation. With just a few clicks, you can build a website and instantly generate a QR code to make it easily accessible to your audience. Whether for business, marketing, or personal use, this synergy enhances accessibility and engagement, making it easier than ever to connect with your audience. Simplify your workflow, boost your online presence, and share your content effortlessly—all with ME-Page and ME-QR.

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